30 Day Money-Back Guarantee (Return Policy)
If you’re not happy with a purchase that you made from Ideal Sciences, for any reason, you can return it to us within 30 days of the order date. As soon as it arrives, we’ll issue a full refund for the entire purchase price. Please note - Ideal Sciences does not reimburse the outgoing or return shipping charges unless the return is due to a defect in quality.
Orders over 30 days old may be returned at the discretion of Ideal Sciences and may be subject to a 25% re-stocking fee. For information on how to return an item, please call our customer service team at 888.263.6973.
Disclaimer: NIST Certification and the associated bespoke products are inherently non-refundable, without regard to extant circumstances.

Fast, Free Shipping
We offer free ground shipping on all orders in the USA.

3 Minute Setup
Our quick setup guide will help you get your sensor and running in 3 minutes or less!
View Setup Guide
Unlimited Tech Support
Technical issues or just have a question? Call our US-based support team anytime. 888.263.6973.
Temp°Stick™ 3 Year Limited Warranty
Unmatched Warrany & Support
This product is warranted to be free of defects in material and workmanship for three years from date of purchase. Temp Stick will, at its election and as the purchaser’s or end user’s sole and exclusive remedy for any breach of the limited warranty set forth above, repair or replace this product if a defect in material or workmanship is identified and communicated to Ideal Sciences within the three-year period described above. Ideal Sciences is not responsible for removal or re-installation costs. This warranty is not valid in cases where damage to this product is the result or arises out of misuse, abuse, incorrect repair or improper wiring or installation. IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED, EXCEPT WHERE SUCH DISCLAIMER IS PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW. IDEAL SCIENCES AND/OR THE SELLER DISCLAIM(S) ANY AND ALL LIABILITY FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE IN ANY WAY ASSOCIATED WITH OR RELATED TO THE PURCHASE, INSTALLATION AND/OR USE OF THIS PRODUCT.

The Easiest, Most Reliable WiFi Temperature & Humidity Sensor
- 100% Wireless, Place Anywhere!
- Instant, Real-time Alerts
- Alerts via Text, App or Email
- Data-Logger + Unlimited History
- Runs on 2x AA Batteries
- 1+ Yr Battery Life, Impressive!
- No Fees, No Subscriptions
Proudly Made in America
30 day money back guarantee. Free shipping to US only.